June 14, 2021

Short Circuit is 35!

Hello, bozos! is back. More or less. We're reassembling ourselves one bit at a time. Also, 'Short Circuit' turned 35 this year on May 9th. Happy 35th Johnny Five!


May 9, 2011

Short Circuit is 25!

Happy 25th anniversary 'Short Circuit' and Johnny Five! It was May 9, 1986 you first made us laugh and cheer on the big screen. We learned to say crazy things like, "Your Mama was a snowblower!," "Hello, bozo!," and "Nice software!" You were a most loved and huggable robot buddy. In 1987 Johnny Five was a household name. You were as recognized as Bugs Bunny. Your movie, Short Circuit, was the #1 home video for the year. Hugely popular, your sequel would begin talks only 2 weeks after release of the first. Thanks for all the laughs, Johnny. And, congrats to all those involved in the film. Number Five is alive!


September 23, 2009

New messageboard

Come join the discussion on the brand new Johnny Five messageboard.


November 20, 2008

*** Official Soundtrack Released! ***

For the first time ever, listen to the delightful Short Circuit soundtrack in perfect quality from the source. This is the complete, effects-free score by David Shire. Copies are limited to 2,000. So, purchase your copy before they run out! They will go fast.

Order here! (USA and Canada)
Those in the UK may order here


May 9, 2006 version 2.0 opened today to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Short Circuit.

Happy 20th Johnny Five!